Our policy in GBEREOGONI OIL & GAS LIMITED concerning her immediate environment is to impact on it AS LOW AS REASONABLY PRACTICABLE (ALARP), so as to achieve sustainable development in its entire ramification.
Implications of our policy are:
- GBEREOGONI OIL & GAS LIMITED will plan all her activities in such a way that her operations will not jeopardize natural resources.
- GBEREOGONI OIL & GAS LIMITED will care, be diligent, prepare environmental management plan (EMP), integrate EMP into project life circle, and will adopt good house-keeping before, during, and after our project.
- GBEREOGONI OIL & GAS LIMITED will operate in all project so as to reduce:
- Occupational/General health problems
- Contamination of surface/underground water.
- Flooding and erosion.
- Destruction of aquatic life. Filtration of water bodies.